シンガポールのMediaCorp、タイのThe Nation、マレーシアのBerita Harianはこれらの国を代表するメディアだが、いずれも日本の大地震や津波について「配慮に欠ける」記事を掲載したため、公に謝罪する事態に追い込まれた。
”Be a Part of Channel NewsAsia’s Breaking News Coverage on the Japan Tsunami
Channel NewsAsia: Massive Tsunami Hits Japan after Massive Quake
A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake shook Japan in the early afternoon today, unleashing a powerful tsunami that wrecked havoc along the streets of coastal towns. Book your spots in the Weekday Evening News Bundle as the channel brings viewers comprehensive coverage reports on the disaster with extended versions of news bulletins tonight.
… Call our sales representatives now!”
Channel News Asia:大地震と津波が日本を襲う
マグニチュード8.8の大地震が本日昼過ぎに日本で発生しました。地震の影響による津波が日本に襲来し、沿岸部の町をことごとく破壊しました。Weekday Evening News Bundleでは今夜の放送枠を拡大してこの災害について網羅します。
MediaCorpはシンガポールの主要テレビ放送局Channel NewsAsiaを運営している。同局の営業企画室シニア・ヴァイスプレジデントEdwin Koh氏は、このメールが世間で物議を醸すと次の謝罪文を公表した:
“We apologize unreservedly if we had been seen to be insensitive to the gravity of the situation. The staff concerned has been counseled to be more circumspect; we hope the public will be forgiving and we can focus our attention and efforts on the affected victims of this most unfortunate tragedy.”
タイの英字新聞The Nationは、日本の震災の直後に、死神をあしらった時事漫画を掲載した。
This is to express our sincerest apology for Tuesday paper's editorial cartoon that many find improper or insensitive due to its overzealous depiction of the tsunami as killer waves and linkage to Japan.
The Nation deeply regrets the fact that the cartoon, which followed the artist's other work in which he shared his grief with the Japanese earthquake and tsunami victims, has offended several readers.
The Nation always cherishes freedom of expression on our op-ed pages. However, every issue is different in nature and we promise to treat each properly, with full ethics and professionalism.
漫画の作者Stephff (Stephane Peray)自信も、謝罪を表明した。
As the author of the cartoon published on Tuesday, March 15 in The Nation, I would like to sincerely apologise to all readers of The Nation, especially Japanese readers, if the image caused offence.
Any offence caused was totally unintended as I always try to be careful when I draw about natural catastrophies. I did this particular cartoon in a hurry after The tsunami on Friday and we weren't quite aware of the full extent of the tragedy at that time. The Grim Reaper is not meant to be understood as a humorous character and is often used in editorial cartoons in the West to signify a tragedy involving loss of life. But I quite agree that on this occasion this cartoon was inappropriate and something softer should have been used. Once again I apologise to those who felt hurt by this cartoon and particularly to the Japanese expatriates in Thailand. No insensitivity was ever intended.
3月15日火曜日のThe Nation紙掲載の時事漫画の作者として、The Nationの読者に、とりわけ日本の読者の皆さまに、不愉快な思いをさせてしまったことを、心よりお詫び申し上げます。
マレーシアの新聞Berita Harianが日本のテレビアニメのキャラクター「ウルトラマン」を用いた時事漫画を発表すると、インターネット上で批判が巻き起こった。
“We apologise for the publication of the cartoon in Berita Minggu. We had no intention of poking fun at the disaster that has befallen the nation of Japan and its people.
“In fact, we greatly sympathise with their plight and share the sorrow of the Japanese people,”
「Berita Minguに掲載した時事漫画についてお詫び申し上げます。」
How other country is going to view us when they pick up this news?! Tasteless and absolutely pathetic!! Poking fun at people's misfortune is not funny at all, and make urself like a dumb clown.
An apology is not good enough. People have to learn how to be accountable for their wrong doing and not be protected all the time. This is a very serious mistake; it is insulting to the Japanese and also brings shame to the whole nation.
It is a sad, opportunistic and demeaning email that was send over the approval of their marketing team, and THIS IS THE BEST APOLOGY THEY CAN COME OUT WITH? You probably hanged a junior staff member out to dry, while conveniently ignoring the fact that such emails have to go out with the approval of the senior management? I can't believe that an email like this was not vetted by management before release. Shouldn't their management be held accountable too? In other countries, the manager in charge of this will probably have been demoted or sacked but cos this this high and mighty Mediacorp, the only action taken is “counseling for the staff concerned?” WTF is this???
ブログLife in rural Thailandは、かつては同様の件があったとしても新聞社が即座に謝罪するようなことはなかった、と指摘する。
I think people get confused with the word cartoon. Some people think all cartoons are meant to be funny. They are not. A cartoon drawing can also represent current public figures or issues symbolically.
One thing I am know is that you can never please everybody in the newspaper game, never ever. Editors these days are too quick to apologise and pander to the whim of politicians and social commentators. In my day we would only ever apologise if we got the facts wrong. These two papers I just mentioned did not get the facts wrong, they simply showed the facts in a different format – but were they really that insensitive?
ブログThe Lost BoyはThe Nationを次のように批判している。
The Nation is often criticized. I regularly lay into some of the WTFs that grace the paper's FUBAR-laden website, but I don't think anything has ever made me question The Nation's integrity like this editorial cartoon from yesterday.