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カテゴリー: 東アジア, シンガポール, 健康, 市民メディア, 行政

2012年シンガポールでは4,632件 [1]のデング熱患者数を記録した。今年その数はすでに9,847件 [2]に上った. 直近で2005年にデング熱の大流行を記録したシンガポールにとってこれは最高記録 [3]である。

全国環境庁(NEA)はデング熱防止の認識を促進するため「蚊を全滅させろ」という運動 [4]を始めた。

Singapore cannot fight dengue without the community’s action to remove mosquito breeding in their homes. The Aedes mosquito breeds in artificial containers mainly found in homes, and its life-cycle averages seven days. Hence it is imperative for all to do the Mozzie Wipeout together to break the breeding cycle.


wipeout [5]デング熱の情報サイト [6]を管理することに加えて、NEAはFacebookページ [7]も持っている。政府と地域社会によるデング熱と戦う取組みを一般の人々に啓発するためだ。また、デング熱の症例を集団 [8]に分類するために地図作成システムを使用している。

A dengue cluster is formed when 2 or more dengue cases occur within 14 days and the homes of the dengue victims are within the distance of 150m.


ミヤギ氏は読者に、建設現場がデング熱ウイルスを運ぶ蚊の唯一の温床ではないということを念を押して言う。 [9]

The NEA has reported that the majority of sites found to have bred mosquitoes have been homes. Now I’m not saying that the construction sites are not responsible at all, but the fact remains that no matter how much you want to blame someone else or some other site for the spread of this disease, the solution to breaking the vector cycle of is still firmly in your own hands.


政府は来月すべての家庭に120万本の殺虫剤を配布する予定である。My Syngapore Newsはデング熱患者への無料での治療 [10]を提案している。

Apart from giving free insect repellants, maybe it is time that all dengue patients should be given free medical treatment. This will encourage every dengue patient to come forward for treatment and will cut down the source of virus carriers in the chain.


Dengue clusters [8]

Dengue clusters

Bertha Harianはその大流行の深刻さを人々に気付かせるために「デング熱ショック症候群へのアプローチ」 [11]を提案している。

Much money has been thrown into the business of making people aware of the dengue danger, and “reality’’ videos are supposed to be hitting computer screens as well. Perhaps, a dengue shock syndrome approach should be applied to the campaign to get under the skin of those who don’t think dengue will happen to them.


Blogging for myselfは [12]の側面でデング熱問題を報告することは十分ではないと主張している。

The story and danger must be much better told.
And my simple probability calculations is wrong because it grossly oversimplifies the story. We are actually looking a situation with a potential of going exponential or in layman's terms ballistic. This risk is not widely made know to the population. Not a bad idea to frighten people a little with the truth.


大流行はまた、ネット市民にシンガポールでの健康管理について話し合う気にさせた。 The Online Citizenに寄稿するとき、Terry Xuは病院はデング熱患者に対して適切な手当を提供できているかを問う [13]

Given that more than 8,000 people have come down with dengue fever since the start of the year, why given the current dengue fever epidemic that fever patients are not given special attention?
Is there enough beds in the hospital where patients can stay to be observed by the medical professionals?


Leong Sze HianとRoy Ngemgは健康管理に対する公費 [14]と公衆衛生に関する方針を調査している。

…we do not just have foreigners and PRs literally fighting for stretched healthcare facilities and capacity in Singapore, but we may also be competing against foreign medical tourists who can pay higher non-subsidised fees (and arguably sometimes may be able to jump the queue ? to the detriment of Singaporeans seeking subsidised medical treatment)


校正:Maiko Kageshita [15]