8月初旬、フィリップ モリス インターナショナルのバンコク事務所前で約140人のタイの若者や学生が集結して抗議し、タバコの包装の85%に画像による警告を要求する指示を公布したタイ政府に対して同社が起こした訴訟の撤回を要求した。140人という抗議者の数は、タイでは1日あたり140人が喫煙により死亡していることを表している。
You may need to ask yourself whether your effort to avoid compliance to Thai domestic law by filing the lawsuit against Ministry of Public Health, in order to increase sales volume of your products by attracting more children and youth to become your customers in the replacement of those who already died or in illness, is ethical practice.
このミュージックビデオには、ベトナムのポップ歌手であり、喫煙反対の歌を作ったTrinh Thang Binh氏が特別出演している。
…youth carried signboards bearing the message “tobacco advertising in any form violates the government’s Sub-Decree” and “Thank you for Not Advertising Cigarettes.” The youth volunteers walked with local authorities to grocery stores and restaurants checking if cigarette advertisements existed. When cigarette advertisements were found, the youths stood in front of the store or restaurant with the signboards raised up.
Jessa Acunaはこのイベントを誇りにしている。
This is not only an attempt for a world record but a huge step to increase awareness among Filipinos and everybody around the world that smoking is the most preventable cause of diseases.
Gaining attention and nationwide coverage, officials are hoping to affect every Filipino. I am a proud Albayano myself and this is my own little way to support this campaign. Let this be not only just an event but a reminder.
Wittingly or unwittingly, the electronic cigarette promotes smoking among children and the youth. It makes them less fearful of hazards and risks of smoking. It is opposed to the Department of Health goal to stop cigarette smoking and tobacco use.
The public is advised NOT to smoke at all and NOT to use cigarettes, cigars, or e-cigarettes.
…the use of e-cigs is not an ‘alternative lifestyle’ as claimed by its proponents and promoters but is actually a new and an ‘alternative vice’ which should not be taught to the public in general and our children in particular.
Our young ones can easily be enticed and duped into smoking by these novelty devices. Despite the reported smoking of our President he can still be a crucial factor in our fight against the evils of smoking in this country.
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