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政府による女性差別に抗議すべく、イラン全土の女性活動家たちがベールをはずす行為に挑んでいる。二ヶ国語を使った「آزادی های یواشکی زنان در ایران   (Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women)」キャンペーンの支持者は、開始後わずか2ヶ月ですでに32万人を数えている。 このキャンペーンの目玉は、イラン全土に住む同国人女性がベールをはずすことである。だがこの行為は、以下のイランイスラム刑法 638条に基づき厳しく規制されている。「女性がイスラムのヒジャブを身に着けることなく公共の場や公道に姿を現した場合は、10日から2ヶ月の禁固刑、あるいは500リヤルから5万リヤルの罰金刑に処する」

(訳注: 「آزادی های یواشکی زنان در ایران (Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women)」は「人目を盗んだイラン人女性たちの自由」の意)


My Stealthy Freedom コミュニティで共有されているこのビデオ映像では、一人の女性が自宅から近所の銀行までスカーフをつけずに歩くことを選んでいる。



Dear Masih, Hi
My husband recorded this video of me in which I walk the distance between our house door and the nearby Mellat bank. People's reactions were marvelous. A man took hold of the hand of the woman with whom he was walking and changed their direction. You an see them a little bit in the video. A shop keeper asks whether we are recording it for a satellite TV channel. My husband talks to him in the end and this makes the video less stealth.

こんにちは、親愛なる Masih




It had been the very fist time I had ever seen the desert. As sun was rising in order to respect her beauty, I took my headscarf off so that she could see me beautiful too
.That feeling was great.. I was..fearless in the desert.. with my head uncovered in the desert



and our share of the sea!





My stealthy freedom in Mazandaran

With the hope of a fearless, fair, and free future



Zarrin-Dasht, not so far from Mazandaran, three months before I left Iran.
Unleashing my hair felt much better in my own homeland



Freedom is every person's right! Freedom…happiness…colorfulness…is every Iranian woman's right
Freedom is a right; and rights are to be fought for and gained! As they are never offered to you. So we will attain it ourselves

taken on a plage belonging to the government! in Chaboksar…

自由はあらゆる人の持つ権利です! 自由、幸福、カラフルな装いは全てのイラン女性が持つ権利です。

自由は権利。権利とは、戦って手に入れるべきもの。 権利は差し出されるものでは決してありません。だから、自分自身で手に入れます。

公共のビーチで撮影! Chaboksarにて。




I'd rather they chopped off my head right in front of the warden's office door.
Nasrin Sotoudeh, the human rights lawyer who spent 3 years in prison for defending female attorney clients, women's rights and prisoners’ rights in general, wrote to the Stealthy Freedoms from Tehran and shared her thoughts on the call for women to have a choice over hijab.

This is what Nasrin Sotoudeh wrote:

Stealth Freedoms — This is rather an ironic term to refer to the current surge of activity that is going on in Iran. Because, as we all know, if something is done stealthily, then it cannot be called FREEDOM.
The term “Stealthy Freedom” is indicative of the pressures that exists within Iran. The issue of how women are covered up is something that is normally not taken seriously for several reasons. Now on the social media such activities do not have anything to do with being stealthy; and when thousands of women defy the hijab laws on social media, we cannot deny the existence of pressures for change.

But let me recount an episode from when I was imprisoned:
For many years, female prisoners have had to wear Chador (the long normally black sort of veil that covers a woman’s body fully), even though there is no such stipulation in the law. I'd like to point out that the kind of social pressure that exists outside the prison walls, exists many times more and exerts a lot more pressure on prisoners. In prisons, the wardens feel that they have complete power over the prisoners and that they can make them do whatever they want. That creates bitter feelings -
When I was in jail, I argued with the ones who were in charge that according to the law hey did not have the right to force us wear the Chador. The head of the prison, however, did not follow the letter of the law and in the end repeated that we had to wear Chadors. This went on till one day, I told my jailers that I am not wearing the chador anymore and I'd rather they chopped off my head right in front of the warden's office door. I wasn't going to wear chador.

And I didn't.

You know.. forcing female prisoners to wear the hijab and the resistance against such pressure is not a new thing. In fact, for the past 30 years or so, many women have objected to this compulsion of wearing the hijab –, it's just that such protests may not have got the publicity they deserved, for many reasons, such as absence of the Internet.

In our prison ward, there were also a few older women than the rest of us and wore Chador by their own choice. That was their choice, which I of course respected. During the time that I was forbidden to have any visitors, these women would come and see me whenever they had their own visitors and express their sympathy. They always emphasized that if they wore Chador it was because of their own choice and belief and not because of the do's and don'ts imposed by the head of the prison. I assured them every time that I respected their choice.
As always, I wish the governments would allow greater freedoms for the people to live their lives. That would be the way for greater mutual respect.


人権派弁護士ナスリーン・ソトゥーデが3年間投獄されたのは、女性依頼者を保護し、女性および囚人の基本的権利を守ろうとしたためだ。彼女はテヘランからMy Stealthy Freedomsコミュニティに投稿し、女性たちにヒジャブ自由化を呼びかけようという考えを共有した。










校正:Rie Tamaki


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