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この昔からのジレンマに対し、アラスカ、アンカレッジのクック湾先住民族評議会のとった戦略は斬新だ。それは、ネバーアローン(Kisima Inŋitchuŋa)というTVゲームの制作である。永遠にやまない猛吹雪から村人を救おうとする小さな女の子がゲームの主人公だ。このゲームにはイヌピアット(訳注:アラスカ先住民)の価値観が染み込んでいて、風変わりで魅力的なゲームをプレーするうちに、どの年代のプレーヤーも伝統的物語の真髄に引き込まれていく。
ネバーアローンの発端について教えてください。誰がTVゲームをイヌピアット文化を伝える手段に決めたのですか? 他の物語でなくカヌークサーユカ(Kunuuksaayuka)が、ゲームのメインストーリーに選ばれたいきさつは?
Never Alone started as an idea from Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC), a tribal nonprofit organization serving Alaska Native and American Indian people residing in the Cook Inlet region of southcentral Alaska. Located in Anchorage, CITC helps motivated individuals achieve their full potential through an array of support services including education, employment and training and services geared to helping build healthy families. CITC had three goals: to create a new source of revenue that could allow CITC to increase the level of services offered to Alaska Native people; to share Alaska Native culture with new audiences around the world; and to work to provide opportunities for Native youth to take pride in their history. […]
Gloria O’Neill, CEO of CITC, conducted an extensive search of possible development partners. During that process, she met Alan Gershenfeld and Michael Angst, co-founders of E-Line Media; a company with a long history of creating games to educate, engage and empower. Together, CITC and E-Line realized there could be a great opportunity to combine expertise and create a compelling game based on Alaska Native culture. Alan and Michael brought on Sean Vesce, a veteran video game designer and creative director to lead the project.
CITCの理事長グロリア・オニールは、共同開発者候補を広範囲に募りました。その過程で、E-Lineメディアの共同創業者、アラン・ガーシェンフェルド、マイケル・アングストの2人と出会いました。E-Lineは、人を夢中にし、元気にし、かつ学習効果のあるゲームを長く制作してきた会社です。CITCとE-Line双方がすばらしい可能性を感じ、専門知識を合体させ、アラスカ先住民文化をベースに、人の心をとらえて離さないようなゲームを制作することになりました。アランとマイケルは、ベテランのゲームデザイナー兼クリエイティブディレクターの、ショーン・ヴェシ(Sean Vesce)をプロジェクトリーダーとして採用しました。
The project began with a deep ethnography built over several extended visits with Alaska Native elders, research at museums and sessions with storytellers and youth. As the team discussed the many possible stories and characters and how they might be used to support the needs of game design, they began to focus on tales with strong characters and a clear narrative arc that could be adapted into the beginning, middle and end of a video game – and had all of the action and thinking ‘verbs’ that are at the core of good gameplay.
From the possibilities, the Iñupiat storytellers involved recommended the Kunuuksaayuka story as a potential narrative spine. After researching, the development team agreed that Kunuuksaayuka had great potential for providing strong storytelling in the context of a game and could allow the main characters to explore diverse and interesting environments.
To ensure that the game respected the wisdom, themes and learnings that are embedded in the Kunuuksaayuka story, the team worked directly with Minnie Gray, the Iñupiaq elder whose father, Robert Nasruk Cleveland, was first recorded relating Kunuuksaayuka. Minnie provided input and suggestions that the team incorporated into the game adaptation.
ネバーアローンの予告編で、「伝えるべきことはたくさんある。そして今、伝える手段もできた」というナレーションがありますね。従来の語り部の語りではだめなのですか? もしそうなら、TVゲームに有って伝統的な語りに無いものは、何だと思いますか?
In the modern era, there has been increasing concern that the rapidly changing, highly complex and digitally infused nature of life in the 21st Century has resulted in youth becoming increasingly disconnected from these classic stories and the wisdom of their elders. Those voicing this concern often point to the rapid growth of computer and video games as one of the culprits of this phenomenon.
Despite their ubiquity among youth, digital games are a medium that is largely alien to most elders, creating a concern that the more time youth spend playing these games, the less time they are connecting with their history, culture and values. This is especially true since the depiction of minorities, indigenous peoples and other under-represented communities in popular commercial games is often caricatured, appropriated or inaccurate.
A clear question, then, is can this powerful new medium be harnessed as a new platform for passing along wisdom from generation to generation in a culturally appropriate, engaging format? We strongly believe that the answer is ‘yes’ – but that it won’t be easy. To truly leverage the unique power of this young medium will require multi-stakeholder partnerships among experienced, proven game designers, who fully understand the unique affordances and limitations of the medium, working closely with a diverse groups of elders, youth, storytellers, artists and social entrepreneurs who can collectively represent an indigenous voice in a new, interactive entertainment medium.
Unlike the transition from oral to written stories, digital games represent a fundamentally different and new form of storytelling. Digital games are interactive, participatory and player-driven. They enable players to step into different roles, confront complex problems, make meaningful choices and explore consequences of various choices and strategies. They are active, not passive. Well-designed games offer a delicate balance of challenge and reward that drives deep levels of engagement, enabling players to advance at their own pace, acquire critical knowledge, iterate based on feedback and use this knowledge to accomplish objectives for which they are invested.
We feel that girl characters have been underrepresented in gaming, particularly girl heroes who are powerful and can survive and overcome incredible challenges. Since many of the team members have daughters, we really wanted to create an inspirational role model that could show girls that they can succeed at anything they put their mind to. […]
Iñupiat stories are filled with both boys and girls, men and women. The narrative arcs of stories generally downplay character specifics, like gender in order to focus on the important themes, knowledge and values that the story is communicating. […]