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カテゴリー: 市民メディア

Gilad LotanがGephiを使って制作したビジュアル。





【 1位 】
[1] (筆者Joey Ayoub)

In recent days I was arrested by authorities and questioned about my research regarding the use of illegal weapons in Gaza, my mail and Facebook accounts were blocked, And I received strong hints that my life is at risk and I need to be silent and keep low. But I'm not going anywhere. They may close my communication channels again,but that does not mean I'm not here, I'll find a way to get the information out to you,and I trust you will echo it on, go down with it to the streets ,And demand your representatives, your government to stop funding the slaughter in your name,to boycott Israel and to stop the bloodshed in Gaza. The whole world is watching now, history is being made.


【 2位 】
 (筆者Joey Ayoub)

At 3:50, we see Ramy Ryan on the floor, lying over a pool of blood. He's dead. A man is telling us “Look, look. A journalist. Look.” while showing us Ramy Ryan's “Press” insignia. The man then tells us angrily, “show the United Nations! Show the world! Show the Red Cross! Show the Arab traitors! They are all traitors!”

動画開始から3:50のところで、ラミー・ライアンが地面に転がっているのが見えたが、その周りは血の海だった。彼は死亡していた。一人の男がカメラに向かって、「見ろよ、見ろ。彼はジャーナリストだったんだ。ほら」と叫び、ラミー・ライアンの「プレス」と書かれた記章を掲げてみせた。その男は怒りが収まらない様子で、続けてカメラに向かってこう言った。「国連に見せろ! 世界に見せろ! 赤十字に見せろ! アラブの裏切り者に見せろ! 奴らはみんな裏切り者だ!」

【 3位 】
[3] (筆者Andrey Tselikov)



Natalia Poklonskaya, the newly minted Prosecutor General appointed by the secessionist government of Crimea, has captured the hearts and minds of RuNet, and, surprisingly, Japan. A video from her March 11 press conference accepting the position has over a million views on YouTube, perhaps because of her incongruously youthful appearance (she is actually 33) combined with the seriousness of her office.

The fresh-faced, yet stern, Poklonskaya, talking to the press surrounded by microphones, served as an inspiration for Japanese and Russian fan-art. Most of the pictures are drawn in a manga (Japanese comics) style, and grotesquely over-emphasize the “cute” or “kawaii [4]” aspects of Poklonskaya's appearance.



【 4位 】
クレムリン:プロパガンダは上手でも、フォトショップの腕はお粗末? 露テレビ局が紹介したマレーシア航空17便の偽画像に異論噴出
[5] (筆者Aric Toler)



The photo shows MH17 a bit north of Donetsk being fired upon by a ‘fighter jet,’ presumably Ukraine’s, with a missile en route. A number of pro-Kremlin bloggers [6] and Russian [7] news [8] outlets [9] immediately shared this news as a smoking gun, claiming that what most in the West had dismissed as a conspiracy was now indisputable. However, as many on the RuNet immediately noticed, this image was just too good to be true.

ドネツクの少し北を飛行中のマレーシア航空17便が、ウクライナのものと思われる「戦闘機」により攻撃されるところを写した写真。発射されたミサイルも見える。親クレムリン派のブロガー [6]ロシア [7]ニュース [8]メディア [9]の数々が、決定的証拠として、即座にこのニュースをシェアした。彼らによると、西側諸国のほとんどがつまらない陰謀説だとして一蹴した仮説が、今や疑いの余地がない事実だと分かったというのだ。しかしながら、ネット上のロシア語コミュニティで多くの人がすぐ気づいたように、この画像は、本物であるにはあまりにも出来過ぎている。

【 5位 】
イスラエル vs ガザ:意図せず作られるプロパガンダの罠(※リンク先日本語)
[10] (筆者Gliad Lotan  [11]

While war rages on the ground in Gaza and across Israeli skies, there’s an all-out information war unraveling in social networked spaces. Not only is there much more media produced, but it is coming at us at a faster pace, from many more sources. As we construct our online profiles based on what we already know, what we’re interested in, and what we’re recommended, social networks are perfectly designed to reinforce our existing beliefs. Personalized spaces, optimized for engagement, prioritize content that is likely to generate more traffic; the more we click, share, like, the higher engagement tracked on the service.


【 6位 】
[12] (筆者ジェフ・サウス [13]

After a week of conflicting information surrounding the disappearance of flight MH370 and its 239 occupants, theories ranging from ludicrous to plausible have cropped up to fill the void about what happened. Wild guesses abound on social media, where riveted users were thinking about everything from black ops to black magic. Some people suggested that aliens, UFOs or a meteor strike could be involved. Others blamed terrorists or speculated that the Malaysian military might have mistakenly shot down the passenger plane. Several hypothesised that the Boeing 777 could have landed safely and that its occupants are still alive.


【 7位 】
[14] (筆者Jason Nathu [15]

A video depicting a mother's idea of ‘discipline’ is spreading like wildfire in Trinidad and Tobago, prompting strong reaction from the blogosphere. An unidentified mother and her twelve year-old daughter are the subject of the video, which has been posted and reposted on Facebook and other social networking sites. The video shows the mother hitting the child several times with a belt, after the child was alleged to have posted suggestive photographs of herself online.


【 8位 】
ロシア:公共Wi-Fiを使いたいって? では身分証のご提示を願います
[16] (筆者Tetyana Lokot)

Internet users in Russia won't be able to use Wi-Fi in public spots anonymously any longer. The Russian government is now going to require individuals accessing public Wi-Fi hotspots to present their passports or IDs. Personal data will be recorded and stored by the Internet provider, along with information about the devices used, including their unique MAC-addresses.


【 9位 】
[17] (筆者Janine Mendes-Franco)

Chikungunya, a virus that causes high fever and severe joint pain, is now [18] rampant across the Caribbean [19]. The disease is vector-spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito [20], and the number of new cases has steadily risen across the region.

Jamaica in particular seems to be having difficulty containing the spread of both the virus and misinformation about the disease [21]. Using the hashtags #chikungunya #caribbean [22], Twitter users are sharing information about how climate change can contribute to the spread of disease [23], about regional Chikungunya death toll [24] statistics, and much more.

高熱と激しい関節痛を引き起こすウィルス、チクングニアが [18]カリブ海一帯で流行 [19]している。この病気はネッタイシマカ [25]という蚊によって媒介され、この地域での発症件数は上昇の一途を辿っている。

特にジャマイカは、このウィルスと、この病気についての誤った知識 [21]、その両方に対する封じ込め作戦に失敗しているようだ。そんな中、Twitterユーザーは、ハッシュタグ#chikungunyaや#caribbean [22]を使って、どうして気候変動がこの病気の蔓延を引き起こすのか [23]や、チクングニアによる死者数の地域別統計 [24]など、さまざまな情報をシェアしている。

【 10位 】
[26](筆者Kevin Rothrok)

Russian television has long been infamous for parroting the Kremlin on political issues. It is still rare, however, that the public glimpses this propaganda system’s internal workings. If Anonymous International’s leak is genuine, Russians are getting to peek behind the curtain today.


【 11位 】
[27] (筆者Kevin Rothrok)

The war in Ukraine moves to Wikipedia. Images mixed by Kevin Rothrock.

ウクライナでの戦闘は、Wikipediaにその場を移した。画像はKevin Rothrockによる合成

Unsurprisingly, the blame game is now playing out on Wikipedia, where editors battle to record the polemics that best reflect their side of the story. Earlier this morning, the Russian-language Wikipedia entry [28] for commercial aviation accidents hosted one such skirmish, when someone with an IP address based in Kyiv [29] edited the MH17 record to say that the plane was shot down “by terrorists of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic with Buk system missiles, which the terrorists received from the Russian Federation.” Less than an hour later, someone with a Moscow IP address replaced this text with the sentence, “The plane was shot down by Ukrainian soldiers.”

当然のこととして、非難合戦は今やWikipedia上で繰り広げられている。エディターは、それぞれの陣営側の言い分を反映した議論をWikipediaに掲載しようと争っている。今朝早く(訳注:原文記事掲載2014年7月18日)には、Wikipediaロシア語の、民間航空機事故についてのページ [28]において、そのような小競り合いが起こった。キエフのIPアドレス [29]を持つ何者かが、マレーシア航空17便の記録を編集し、この航空機は「自称『ドネツク人民共和国』のテロリストたちが、ミサイル・システム『ブーク』を使って撃墜した。またこのミサイルはテロリストにロシア連邦から提供されたものだ」と書き込んだ。1時間も経たない内に、今度はモスクワのIPアドレスを持つ何者かがこの文章を変更、「航空機はウクライナ軍により撃墜された」と書き換えた。

【 12位 】
[30] (筆者カンビズ・ホセイニ [31]


I am an angry Iranian. Well, before being an Iranian, I am an angry man, just like the angry Middle Eastern men you see on television, the ones you see on the streets with clenched fists and anguished faces showing their protest. I wasn’t always angry; I turned angry. What tormented me and turned me into an angry man goes back to when I lived in Iran. Of course, from a certain point on, my anger surpassed ordinary boundaries and I started to laugh to survive. I mean, I cannot be angry without laughing at my own anger.

Today, turning my anger into comedy and laughing at my anguish is my livelihood. My reasons for this anger keep mounting every day, and therefore, I have more reasons to laugh, too. 



【 13位 】
[32] (筆者マシュー・ハント)


米ABCの番組「Rising Star」で歌うリサ・パンチ。YouTubeから撮ったスクリーンショット。

Writer and cultural activist Ruel Johnson praised Punch [33] for persevering through difficult circumstances. “What got her to where she is today is sheer hard work, incredible individual talent, unstinting support from her mother and friends, and belief in her own ability to make it,” he wrote. “Instead of decrying her on the basis of some bullshit, delusional positive patriotism, we should be thanking her for acknowledging us at all when this place as a community of people and laws did nothing special for her.”

ライターで文化活動家のRuel Johnsonは、厳しい状況をよく耐えているとパンチのことを賞賛 [33]し、次のように書いた。「今日の彼女があるのは、ものすごい努力と類まれな才能、彼女のお母さんや友人からの熱心なサポート、そして自分にはできるという信念があったからだよ。妄想ばっかりの楽天的愛国心なんていう世迷い言を盾にして彼女を非難する代わりに、僕たちは彼女に感謝すべきだよ。よくぞガイアナのことを語ってくれたって。ガイアナの人も法律も、彼女のために何も特別なことはしてあげなかったっていうのに。」

【 14位 】
[34] (筆者Rezwan)

The Clean Indian, an anonymous anti-public urination activist group, has come up with one possible solution [35] to stopping public urination in Mumbai. The group, whose members wear masks to conceal their identities, patrols Mumbai city with their giant yellow water tanker and sprays water on those urinating in public.

立ち小便に反対する匿名の活動団体のクリーン・インディアンは、これなら間違いなく立ち小便防止策になるという考えを思いつき [35]、ムンバイで実施中である。この団体のメンバーは身元を隠すために顔をマスクで覆い、黄色の大型水タンク車でムンバイの市内をパトロールしている。そして公共の場で立ち小便をしている者がいると、その者に向かって水を吹き付ける。

校正:Sayuri Ishiwata [36]