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女性の「美しさ」とは? アフリカ系ペルー人女性の魅力を描く

カテゴリー: ラテンアメリカ, ペルー, デジタル・アクティビズム, 女性/ジェンダー, 市民メディア, 民族/人種, 芸術・文化


ディアナ・シエラによるこのインタビュー記事は、当初ウェブサイトのアフロフェミナス [1]に掲載された。グローバル・ボイスとのコンテンツ共有の合意により若干の編集を行って以下に再掲する。


彼女の作品には個人的な体験が反映されている。それは「社会一般の 『美しさ』に自分を合わせなければ」と悩んだ経験だ。ペルーの文化では、白人的な特徴が美しいとされている。女性であること、自分を愛するということ、そして個性に感謝すること、これらが彼女の作品のテーマになっている。

アイリーンは、幼い頃から絵を描いていた。しかし、それを仕事にしたのは、ある友人が彼女の描いた肖像画に心を動かされたことがきっかけだ。ちょうど仕事の気晴らしに絵を描いていた頃で、彼女はソーシャルメディア [2]を通して自分の絵を発信し、売り始めた。


Ayleen Díaz: I started by drawing curly hair because I used to straighten mine with products and flat irons every day for eight years. Recovering the natural shape of my hair has taken time, dedication, and love. That is how I've started this process of personal recognition and self-love, and I think that's what I try to reflect on. For many Afro-descendant women, it is difficult to embrace all of our virtues and shortcomings. The journey is long and tedious, and people don't always help, they criticize and make things harder. But I believe in the end you can make it, you can finally find a balance in which you're able to love and accept yourself the way you are. That is what happened to me. I feel that when I started to accept my curls and fluffy hair everything changed.





AM: In Peru, there isn't much representation. Indeed, most people who appear in advertising or television always follow the same standards with a light complexion and straight hair. It's true that in the past few years this has been changing. However, for a while it was complicated even to find hair products. If you wanted a specific shampoo you had to bring it from abroad. There are many more brands available to the public now, and there are people who teach you how to take care of your hair with natural products. There are also many Afro-Peruvian activists fighting racism and prejudice, people who teach you to love and accept yourself.





AM: Yes, the stretch marks thing started because I saw a picture of a girl posing, lying down and with all her stretch marks. I was like “wow, she looks incredible”. I used to hide my stretch marks, but now I even like them, they give me a different kind of charm. The more we show them, the more people will accept them. It is something normal that happens to your body for many reasons and you can't get rid of them. We have to embrace and accept it and say “this is what I have”.



AM: Yes. One day I showed in my Insta-story a close-up picture of my stretch marks and asked my followers to share the things they found hard to accept, or that they have already accepted, and are proud of. Actually, it was online that I found the phrase “we strive to fit in when we can stand out”. It was perfect to understand what I was talking about. I posted it and people began sharing it. I thought it was amazing that they identified with it. I've also had moments where I did not like my body. I want them to realize that they are not alone, that everyone goes through problems. Everyone at some point wants to change something about themselves.

You are just as beautiful with all your curves, with all your shapes and colors. There is no need to standardize beauty. In reality, beauty comes in a million different ways, it all depends on how you see things. You can highlight your own beauty. By drawing different body types and different hair textures, I want people to learn how everything is beautiful.



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Pintar y vivir ✨ • Me encanta pintar pero por mi chamba de arquitecta ??‍♀️ y la practicidad del ipad no lo he hecho hace varias lunas, lo bueno es que ayer que volví a pintar, me he re encontrado con el amor y ahora tengo dos lienzos más para darles color ? • Sobre mi experiencia de ayer, es la segunda vez que pinto en vivo y la verdad no es tan fácil pero siempre siempre termina siendo super gratificante ? • Pdt. No se olviden de visitar la expo #MARZ8 organizada por @artdictos en @amaru.cc ? • • • • #ayleenmayte #leafillustration #ilustradoras #canvaspainting #canvasart #ilustradoraperuana #illustragram #artistofinstagram #patternlover #printandpattern #curlylover #ilustracionbotanica #colorpalette #handpainted [3]

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DS: アフリカ系ペルー人の活動家の取り組みは、ペルー社会において存在感を示すことができてきたと思いますか?

AD: To change a whole society and the mindset of so many people is not an easy task. It's going to take a long time. We might not see it in the short term, but change is going to happen progressively. I love the work of youtuber Natalia Barrer [4]a [4], for example, and her channel “An Afro-Peruvian girl”. I have been following her since she began a long time ago. The content she shares is very good and very educational.

AD:社会全体や、多くの人々の考え方を変えるのは簡単なことではないし、時間もかかります。短い視点ではわからないですが、変化は着実に進んでいます。例えば、私はナタリア・バレラ [4]というYoutuberが好きなのですが、彼女が「アフロ・ペルビアン・ガール」というYoutubeチャンネルに挙げる動画を、開始当初からずっとフォローしています。彼女がシェアするコンテンツはとても良いもので、学ぶことも多くあります。

DS: 他に好きなイラストレーターはいますか?

AM: Yes, I follow Carla Llanos [5] she has a very nice style that resembles mine. Also, Alja Horvat. [6] She draws women just like me with real bodies, her illustrations are beautiful and I love her style.

AD:はい、カーラ・リャノス [5]は私の絵とスタイルが似ていて、フォローしています。また、アルジャ・ホルヴァト [6]も私と同じように女性のリアルな体型を描いています。とても美しく、彼女の作品も大好きです。


AM: I belong to the “Colectivo Papaya [7]” (Papaya Collective). We are five women artists. All of us mural illustrators with different styles, but with a similar concept: we all want to highlight women's beauty, and most importantly, we want women to identify in these images, to feel valued, and to accept their beauty just as it is. It's a group of five artists that have become very good friends, who have a good time and love to get together to paint and be able to carry out our message. We also do charitable work together with an NGO that takes artists who wish to paint the walls in low-income schools.

 AD:私は「Colectivo Papaya [7]」のメンバーなんです。様々なスタイルで壁画を描く、女性5人のアーティストが集まり、同じコンセプトの元で活動しています。それは「女性の美しさを際立たせたい。そして、自分を慈しみ、自分のありのままの美しさを受け入れるということに共感して欲しい」ということです。私たち5人は元々良い友達で、共に描き、メッセージを発信しながら良い時間を過ごして来ました。今はNGOと協力して、低所得者層向けの学校の壁に絵を描くという慈善活動も展開しています。

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11/11 • Ayer, nuestro primer día de trabajo en nuestro primer mural como colectivo ? • Hoy ya lo terminamos ?? y lo pueden encontrar en Caminos del Inca 3200, si lo visitan nos toman fotitos :) • Gracias a los maravillosos azares de la vida por reunirme con estas GRANDIOSAS MUJERES • @colectivopapaya #poderpapaya [8]

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昨日は共同作業の初日。みんなで壁画を描いたの。作品は今日ついに完成。場所はカミーノ・デル・インカ3200(訳注:ペルーの首都リマのHotel Caminos del Inca Innの住所)。ここを訪れるなら写真を撮ってね。こんなに素敵な女性たちに出会うチャンスをくれた人生に、感謝!

校正:Tsukasa Wakana [9]