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カテゴリー: オセアニア, オーストラリア, ケニア, 人道支援, 健康, 先住民, 市民メディア, 戦争・紛争, 教育, 災害, 開発, 難民, COVID-19
Helen Zahos teaching school children about hygiene in Odede, Kenya March 2020 [1]


グローバル・ボイスの特集ページ「新型コロナウイルスの世界的影響」 [2]をご覧ください。

ヘレン・ザホスはオーストラリアの救急看護師であり、救命救急士である。現在ゴールドコースト大学病院の新型コロナウイルス患者を受け入れている集中治療室で働いている。ザホスは海外で、災害や非常時、また難民問題の状況下で人道ボランティアとして幅広い経験を積んできた。グローバル・ボイスは、2016年ザホスがギリシャでの活動から帰国した時に最初のインタビューを行った [3]。最近では、ザホスはケニア郊外 [4]で看護師活動プログラムに参加した。



Helen Zahos (HZ): That the disparities in health care between developing countries and developed countries are ever present and that volunteer programs have to maintain a focus on sustainability and involve community members so they are empowered. That education and sharing your knowledge is an integral part of humanitarian nursing, as it is through sharing your skills and knowledge that you empower local Kenyan nurses [5]. In turn they educate the locals in the community and encourage them to access the care they need.



HZ: The experience was very different. The refugee crisis was a slow-moving disaster. It overwhelmed specific countries that could not cope with the influx of people and it exceeded the capabilities of existing resources and infrastructure. The refugees were on the move and fleeing conflict, they were not living in homes but in refugee camps. Health care issues included chronic conditions but also physical and emotional trauma.

While Kenya is one of East Africa’s most advanced and richest countries, poverty is common. Deeply seeded systemic issues in health care mean that many people lack access to medical facilities or they cannot afford to seek treatment. There are endemic diseases such as malaria and HIV affecting many people. With limited funding or resources, it is often up to civil society to fill in the gaps and assist.




HZ: My hospital has COVID-19 patients and the Intensive Care Unit does as well. It can be daunting as you approach the area where you get changed and approach the area that is separated from the COVID-19 patients because of the seriousness of this virus and how easily it spreads. It is hot under the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the masks are tight and claustrophobic and it is hard to talk to patients.


Preparing for COVID-19 patients - Intensive Care Unit staff training April 2020



HZ: To source more staff; have them trained and ready; source equipment and increase supplies. To put into practice the guidelines for pandemics. We have been preparing for the worst.

Integration and communication are vital: training and preparing all staff involved in the hospital system, transparency and sharing of information to assist other countries and standardising triage and treatment systems to cope with an influx of patients. Conducting mass screening and testing in the community by running fever clinics have been essential for early detection.


また、調整とコミュニケーションが不可欠です。まず、病院システムに関わるすべてのスタッフの訓練と準備、そして他の国々を支援するための情報の透明化や共有、さらに患者を迎え入れるにあたっての、トリアージ [6]や治療システムの標準化も求められます。発熱外来を運営して地域の多数の患者のふるい分けや検査を実施することが、初期の発見のために重要となってきます。


HZ: The possibility of a pandemic spreading to and affecting our remote indigenous populations is really concerning and very possible. Our indigenous people have higher co-morbidities and lower life expectancy than non-indigenous Australians. We could see the demise of entire indigenous communities if COVID-19 spreads to these remote areas, where large families live in close proximity, there are mass gatherings for cultural practices and they tend to be nomadic.

The Northern Territory has led the way by closing its borders and access to remote areas, important steps in stopping the spread of the virus. Remote area health centres need to be vigilant and detect any cases early, to educate indigenous people about the virus and to conduct health promotion on hand washing and social distancing.



KR:私たちへのアドバイスはありますか? どのようにすればよいか提案があれば教えてください。

HZ: Accept that you have no control over this situation. What you do have control over is how you respond. Stay at home, wash your hands and practice social distancing. If you are self-isolating use this time in a positive way. Limit yourself to the news or to the daily updates as it can be distressing. Take time for self-care which is difficult when you are exhausted mentally. If you are isolated from family there are many social media groups that have been created; if you are unable to get out to access groceries or pick up a script there are people in the local community volunteering to help.

Write a diary of how you are feeling, the events unfolding and take photos of what is happening. This is vital for debriefing and looking back at this time, years down the track.



KR:ワールド・ユース・インターナショナル [7]の「看護師アクション」大使2020に選ばれ、おめでとうございます。国際看護師・助産師年の今年、このパンデミックを経験して、自分の役割をどう考えますか?

HZ: The The International Year [8] means a lot to me; I was there when they announced it at the World Health Assembly in Geneva. I remember feeling really proud to be a nurse. Then came the announcement that I was to be an ambassador for Nurses in Action for World Youth International and I was excited to partner up with them. I will cherish the trip to Kenya forever. I had plans to travel throughout Australia sharing my experiences and insights from the trip to Kenya. The celebrations and conferences have been cancelled with the current uncertainty.

There are countries, where people cannot buy soap and do not have access to running water, that will suffer the most. It is these vulnerable populations that will need nurses to volunteer again one day to help in their recovery.

I never imagined that the year of the nurse would take on such a different meaning.

HZ国際看護師・助産師年 [8]は、私にとって非常に大きな意味があります。ジュネーブの世界保健総会で発表されたとき、私はその場にいて看護師であることにとても誇りを感じました。それから、ワールド・ユース・インターナショナルの「看護師アクション」大使に決まったと知らされ、私は彼らと連携し活動することに心躍る気持ちでした。私はケニアに行ったことを、これから先もずっと大切に忘れずにいるでしょう。私はオーストラリアの隅々まで旅して、ケニアで得た私の経験や知識を共有したいと考えていました。新型コロナウイルスのことで、式典や会議は中止になっていますが。



校正:Ayumi Oda [9]