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北マケドニアに恋して ポーランドへ向けて発信する旅ブロガー

カテゴリー: 東・中央ヨーロッパ, アルバニア, ポーランド, マケドニア共和国, 市民メディア, 旅行, 経済・ビジネス
Justyna Mleczak. Photo used with her permission. [1]


この記事の原文 [2]はMeta.mkに掲載されました。グローバル・ボイスとメタモルフォーシス財団とのコンテンツ共有合意に基づき、編集を加えたものを以下に掲載します。

ユスティナ・ムレツァクは、ポーランド出身の旅ブロガーだ。北マケドニアとアルバニアでの旅をつづったポーランド語のブログ「ドゥ・マセドーニ(Do Macedonii) [3]」を運営している。

2016年以来、ムレツァクは、夏季を通してアルバニアで過ごしつつ、観光ガイドとして働いている。また、北マケドニアもたびたび訪れている。最近では、欧州連合の支援を受けたスマートツーリズム強化プロジェクト [4]の協力を得て、北マケドニアを訪れた。




Justyna Mleczak (JM): It has never been an idea for living and truth be told, it is still not. I mean, legally I cannot even be a professional tour guide in Macedonia as to take the exam you firstly need to get a citizenship. On the other hand, I always thought I would become a non fiction journalist or a war/social correspondent. I was reading cover to cover books written by Tiziano Terzani, Egon Kisch, Joseph Kessel, Ernest Hemingway and lots of our famous Polish reporters. I have been also always intrigued and fascinated by history – with a great inner belief that there are thousands of voices which we cannot hear or somebody does not want us to listen to them.

However, until 2015/2016 I did not have even a slightest idea about modern history of North Macedonia or Albania and maybe a little bit about the Balkans. I have just finished my Bachelor on Central European Studies and I was going to go deeper on Caucasus or at least Hungary-Romania. This year, summer 2015, I was responsible for our family holidays. Frankly, I did not remember, why I chose Vlore in Albania. A few weeks later we started the journey which changed everything.




JM: My first visit in Skopje was just ridiculous. We arrived to the capital quite early and with hope for a bit of sightseeing. Instead, we were circling the city trying to find non-existent street or just reach the owner of our rented apartment. After a few hours the only thing we wanted was something to eat. Believe me or not, we were not able to find any open restaurant. And I am laughing at us even in this moment, because… we gave up one hundred meters from the Stone Bridge [5] and Old Bazaar [6]. One hundred meters separated us from the heart of Skopje!

Justyna Mleczak. Photo used with her permission. [7]

Justyna Mleczak overlooking Ohrid Lake from a summit Galičica mountain. Photo used with her permission.

Anyway, of course I was astonished by all the statutes but mostly – the secret story behind them. Next day we stopped for a coffee in Ohrid [8]. I mean, my family were drinking coffee, I was wandering around. At that moment, I started to consider another field of study.

Two months after our return home, my article about Albania [9] was published in Poznaj Świat, one of the most famous travel magazines in Poland. I got the invitation for an internship in Albania by a Polish woman who I worked with in her travel agency in Albania for the next four years and I started my Balkan Studies. I fell in love with Macedonian language immediately and I decided to write a Master Thesis which will connect my passions. On September 2016 I came for a 6 months’ research. I was writing about the potential of tourism in solving conflicts.

I started a blog. It was a bit of a journal, a bit of a practice to publish a non-fiction book about Macedonia one day. And after four years… here we are. I did not publish a book, I did not go on Ph.D. studies. I am, accidentally, in love with Macedonia.

Quite a long story, huh? I should have probably said: I have been dreaming about it since I was 5!

JM:初めて首都のスコピエに着いたときのことを思い出すと笑ってしまいます。早朝に到着したので、少しは観光ができればいいなと思っていました。でも、実在しない街路を探したり、借りてあったアパートの大家さん宅を見つけようとしたりして街中をぐるぐると動き回っているうちに時間が経ってしまいました。数時間後、私たちの願いは、とにかく何か食べたいということだけでした。信じられない話かもしれませんが、開店中のレストランをひとつも見つけられなかったんです。今思い返しても、苦笑するしかありません。だって、レストラン探しを諦めた地点は、石橋 [5]オールドバザール(スタラ・チャルシヤ) [10]のある場所から100メートル離れたところだったんです。スコピエ中心部と私たち、たったの100メートルしか離れていなかったなんて!

Justyna Mleczak. Photo used with her permission. [7]


それはともかくとして、もちろん、多くの銅像にも驚きましたよ。(訳注:スコピエ市は銅像が多数あることで有名)。私が驚いたのはむしろ、銅像に秘められた逸話の方でした。翌日、私たちはオフリド [8]に立ち寄ってコーヒーを飲みました。というよりも、家族がコーヒーを飲んでいる間、私は周辺を散策していました。研究対象を別の地域にしようかと考え始めたのは、その時でした。

旅行から帰って2カ月経った頃、アルバニアについて書いた私の記事 [9]が雑誌に掲載されました。Poznaj Świat(ポズナイ・シュフィアーツ)という、ポーランドでは非常に有名な旅行雑誌です。あるポーランド人女性から、アルバニアでインターンシップをしないかというお誘いをいただき、私はそれから4年間、アルバニアにある彼女の旅行代理店で一緒に働きました。この時にバルカン地域の研究を始めました。私はたちまちマケドニア語に恋してしまったんです。この情熱をまとめ上げた修士論文を書こうと決意しました。2016年9月に、半年間の研究調査に出かけました。紛争解決策としてのツーリズムの可能性について書く予定でした。




JM: I do not have favorite destinations in Macedonia. I love places where I can meet interesting, smiling people willing to sit and talk, and here there are dozens of them. I stayed in Macedonia because I really feel like home here.

Stevce Donevski and Justyna Mleczak, photo used with her permission. [11]

Stevce Donevski and Justyna Mleczak, photo used with her permission.

Kratovo [12] reminds me of Stevce Donevski who have already arranged me a meeting with half of Slow Food Macedonia [13] community. If I were a singer and he was my manager, I would have won MTV Award in a year from now!

I have a great sentiment towards Prilep [14], for me it is an energetic and magical place. It is not a coincidence that Prilep is a hometown of my Macedonian language teacher, Zvonko Dimovski, whose contribution to the popularization of Macedonia among Polish students deserves special recognition.

Another order of recognition should be awarded to Malezan family from Ohrid, the owners of the most famous terrace among Polish professors, students and tourists. Trajanka Malezan is the person who believed in me from the very beginning and does not stop even when I no longer believe in myself. Recently Ramne village became a special place to me – but only thanks to Natasa Nedanovska. She has a hands, brain and heart from gold.


Stevce Donevski and Justyna Mleczak, photo used with her permission. [11]


クラトボ [12]には、ステブス・ドネフスキとの思い出があります。ステブスは事前に手配してくれて、「スロー・フード・マケドニア(Slow Food Macedonia) [13]」の仲間たちの大半に会わせてくれました。もし私が歌手で、ステブスがマネージャーだったら、とっくに年1回のMTVアワードを受賞していたんじゃないかな。

プリレプ [15]は、とても懐かしさを覚える街です。活気に満ちていて、私には魔法のような場所。私にマケドニア語を教えてくれたズボンコ・ディモフスキ先生はこの街の出身なんですが、ただの偶然ではないと思っています。先生のおかげで、ポーランド人学生の間でマケドニア人気が高まりました。このことは特別に評価を受けてしかるべきだと思っています。



JM: Not sure. It is a bit of a fashion, a bit of fascination with the Balkans, a bit of looking for a cheaper alternative for holidays. Macedonia was famous among Poles long before the Polish crowds arrived here. We as a nation are known for “being everywhere” and the current pandemic situation perfectly confirms that.

I am not interested in these crowds. There are a few most common reasons for Poles to visit Ohrid: one day trip from Albania, transit or a few days stop on the way to Albania or during the Balkan trip and, especially since we have charters, relax with sunbathing by the Ohrid lake.


Justyna Mleczak and a group of Polish tourists in Ohrid, North Macedonia. Photo used with her permission.

For a long time I cannot get over the fact that for our market and most Polish tourists Macedonia is only Ohrid and sometimes Skopje, perceived as sad, boring and chaotic. I slowly begin to understand that this kind of tourism is also needed – it is just not for me. I am focusing on people who want to slow down, sit, talk and experience. These people are true Macedonian lovers. They are coming back over and over again, delighted with food, culture, tradition, and top of the top – Macedonian people.







JM: Well, it is a very difficult and general question. The average stereotypical Polish tourist complains about breakfast and lack of black tea… Jokes aside, hundreds of Polish tourists come to Macedonia, especially Ohrid. These are people with different experiences, expectations and needs.

I will answer differently – the biggest advantage and power I see is in people with passion, vision and idea. They form associations, work in non-governmental projects, devote themselves to protect what they recognize as a treasure. On the other hand, the biggest disadvantage is ignorance of authorities who not only does not help but make the work harder and complicate things.




Justyna Mleczak. Photo used with her permission. [17]

Justyna Mleczak. Photo used with her permission.

JM: Tourism is a meeting place. It is communing with culture, with the past, present and future, broadening horizons and being able to see yourself in others. It has an unbelievable power both to build and destroy.

I do not expect anything. I am trying to work hard, hoping to establish a cooperation with two fantastic women, Jasmina Popovska and Katerina Vasileska, founders of Genuine Experiences platform, as I feel we are looking in the same direction. And I am going to continue to convince Poles that the Balkans is not a powder keg. It is a barrel of wine. To share and drink with others, no matter who they are.

Justyna Mleczak. Photo used with her permission. [17]



先のことは考えていません。今は、ジェヌイン・エクスぺリエンス(Genuine Experiences)というプラットフォームの創立者である、ヤスミナ・ポポフスカとカテリナ・ワレシスカという2人の素晴らしい女性たちとともに協力体制を築けることを願って、懸命に取り組んでいるところです。彼女たちは私と同じ方向を向いていると感じています。そして、私はこれからも、バルカンは火薬庫ではないとポーランドの人たちへ訴え続けていきます。バルカンはワインの樽です。誰とでも分け隔てなく、ともに分かち合って飲むべきものです。


校正:Masato Kaneko [18]