- The World Cup Ignites Passion Beyond Just Football (10 July)
- Arabs Gloat at Brazil's World Cup Defeat (8 July)
- There's a Good Chance Your World Cup Jersey Was Made in Bangladesh (1 July)
- Costa Rica Rejoices as National Team Advances to World Cup Quarterfinals in Historic First
- Russian Team Leaves World Cup (27 June)
- Singing and Dancing in a YouTube Video to Cheer On the National Football Team Can Get You Arrested in Iran (27 June)
- Uruguay's Bad Boy Footballer Luis Suárez Steals His Team's Thunder With Biting Sanction (27 June)
- Mexican Miguel “Piojo” Herrera, a Coach With a Style of His Own (27 June)
- This Street in Bangladesh Has a Colorful World Cup Celebration to Rival Brazil (25 June)
- Debunking Rumors that Algerian Fans Burned Down a Church in Lyon, France after World Cup Win (23 June)
- TV Networks in Africa Squabble Over World Cup Broadcast Rights (23 June)
- Russians Amused by National Team World Cup Performance(21 June)
- Peru Watches the World Cup from Afar…Again (21 June)
- ワールドカップ:歓喜に沸くチリ、スペイン代表は早々に荷造り (7月10日:原文20 June)
- ワールドカップでコートジボワールを応援する理由 (6月25日:原文19 June)
- Mexican Goalkeeper ‘Memo’ Ochoa's Incredible World Cup Performance Is Now a Meme on Twitter (19 June)
- Australia's Socceroos Proud in Defeat to Chile at #WorldCup2014 (15 June)
- How a Spat Over Prize Money Nearly Kept Cameroon from Playing in the World Cup (13 June)
- Do #IWantToBelieve in Mexico's National Football Team? (13 June)
- Jamaica: 32 Teams…Who Will Win the World Cup? (12 June)
- Bermuda: Kicking Off the World Cup (12 June)
- Kazakhstan Has an Antelope That Can Predict the World Cup Winner (or Does It?) (12 June)
- ‘The Time Has Come!’ Brazil 2014 World Cup (12 June)
- Salam, Brazil: Muslim Football Fans and FIFA World Cup (12 June)
- Getting Tickets for the 2014 World Cup is a Total Nightmare (11 June)
- Why You Should Pick France as Your 2nd Favorite Team at the 2014 World Cup (11 June)
- From Our World Cup Archive: How Brazil Fooled the World With a Meme (11 June)
- Brazil or Argentina? Football Rivalries Play Out Thousands of Miles Away From the World Cup in Bangladesh (10 June)
インスタグラム上には、チームや選手、ファンらによる決定的瞬間の写真があふれている。誰のをフォローすればいいか迷うのでは? BuzzFeed (W杯中のフォローお勧めのインスタグラム・アカウント13)や Bleacher Report (W杯関連フォローお勧めTwitterアカウント・ベスト30)によるまとめリストから始めるのも、いいかもしれない。
Sports Illustratedには、ブラジル大会の全チームと選手全員ののリンクがあり (W杯インスタグラム完全リスト:ブラジル大会全チーム全選手)、好きなチーム・選手を選ぶことができる。フォローお勧めのインスタグラム・アカウントはたくさんあり、ブラジル代表のスター選手ネイマールのアカウントも、そのひとつだ。
W杯で過去5回の優勝経験のあるブラジルにとって、自国の芝上で戦うホームアドバンテージは喜ばしいことと思いきや、とんでもなかった。去年一年で何百万人もの人々が街頭デモに参加し、公的サービスでなくスポーツの巨大イベントのために貴重な資金を浪費している、と政府に抗議してきた。デモのいくつかは、警察とデモ隊との激しい衝突に終わった。 Pew Researchの意識調査によると、ブラジル人の61パーセントが、W杯を開催することはこの国にとってよくないという見解であることがわかった。教育や医療などに回すべき公金がW杯開催に奪われているというのがその理由である。
スペイン語のハッシュタグ #NovoyaBrasilporque (私がブラジルに行かない理由)は、ワールドカップ・キックオフ前日の2014年6月12日にトレンド(話題のキーワード)に上がり、W杯の大仰な宣伝に冷や水を浴びせている。
#NoVoyABrasilPorque Estas dos imágenes te lo dicen. pic.twitter.com/wqEqQYCYQl — Ayrton Gabriel (@eeLPiinii) junio 6, 2014
#NoVoyABrasilPorque supone desahucios, represión, derroche… Aquí te damos más detalles https://t.co/WDRBXVcp38 pic.twitter.com/ikOeMtHA8Z — Todo Por Hacer (@TodoPorHacer1) junio 6, 2014
- Brazilian Police Say These Two Men Had Explosives During an Anti-World Cup Protest. Photos and Videos Tell a Different Story (9 July, 2014)
- This Protest Blasted FIFA's Brazil Headquarters With Inconvenient World Cup Truths (2 July, 2014)
- Beyond the World Cup Headlines: Iran's Lacking Team Spirit, but Brazil's Favelas Have Plenty (27 June, 2014)
- 5 Places in Brazil Where People Were Protesting, Not Cheering During the World Cup Kick-Off (23 June, 2014)
- Beyond the World Cup Headlines: Protests in Brazil, a Jailed Writer in Cameroon and Foul Play From Fans (20 June, 2014)
- The Darker, More Violent World Cup Kick-Off in São Paulo That You Didn't See (20 June, 2014)
- A Tale of Two World Cups in Fortaleza, Brazil (19 June, 2014)
- ワールドカップ開催も楽じゃない?その功罪を分析するサイト (2014年6月27日:原文17 June 2014)
- A Handbook for Protesters During the World Cup in Brazil (13 June, 2014)
- Analyzing the Protests Before the 2014 World Cup (11 June, 2014)
- Costs and Benefits of Brazil's World Cup (19 May, 2014)
- Protesters in Brazil: ‘There Will Not Be a World Cup!’ (6 March, 2014)
- Enough Forced Evictions!': Amnesty International Takes On Brazil World Cup Construction (4 Oct., 2013)
- IBM, Cisco Supply Brazil with Surveillance Tools for World Cup (28 Sept., 2013)
- Brazil Becomes Hot Market for Surveillance Technology Ahead of World Cup (27 Sept., 2013)
- Interview: Cartoonist Slams Forced Evictions in Brazil for World Cup (28 May, 2013)
- Brazil Violently Ousts Indigenous Village Ahead of World Cup (25 May, 2013)
- Brazilians Accuse FIFA of Stamping Out Local Culture (22 April, 2013)
- FIFA Beware! Journalist Teams Up with Brazil's World Cup Victims (10 March, 2013)
- Carnival Samba Takes Aim at World Cup in Brazil (5 March, 2013)
- VIDEO: Brazil Bulldozes Neighborhood Without Warning for World Cup (4 March, 2013)
- Brazilian Family Loses Home to the World Cup (1 March, 2013)
- Brazil: Cable Car Goes Up, Houses Come Down for World Cup (27 Feb., 2013)
- Brazil's World Cup Construction Threatens Indigenous “Living Museum” (16 Jan., 2013)
- Brazil: Monitoring Human Rights During the World Cup and the Olympics (15 Dec., 2011)
- Brazil: FIFA's Demands in the Run Up to the World Cup 2014 (8 Oct., 2011)
- Brazil: Road to World Cup and Olympics Paved with Forced Evictions (6 Sept., 2011)
- Caribbean: Corruption & the World Cup? (3 June, 2014)
- Trinidad & Tobago's World Cup Players Still Owed Money (23 May, 2014)
- PHOTOS: The Thrill and Agony of World Cup Qualifying Matches (21 Nov., 2013)
- ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ:ワールドカップ出場を地域を超えて祝福 (2014年2月12日:原文16 Oct., 2013)
- Mexico, Panama, and Honduras Seeking a Spot for Brazil 2014 World Cup (11 Oct., 2013)
- Iran: “We're Going to the World Cup!” (VIDEOS) (22 June, 2013)
- Japan Qualifies for World Cup, Cop's Crowd Control Performance Goes Viral (5 June, 2013)
- Brazilian Transvestites Pump Up with Silicone to Attract World Cup Clients (4 June, 2013)
- Panama, Honduras and Costa Rica Continue on the Road to 2014 World Cup (19 Oct., 2012)
- Panama: Hoping for a Historic World Cup Qualification (12 June, 2012)