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カテゴリー: イスラエル, インドネシア, 国際関係, 市民メディア, 芸術・文化, 言語, 言論の自由

ヘブライ語-インドネシア語辞典の表紙 合成して掲載 写真:サプリ・セールの厚意による 使用許可済



インドネシアとイスラエルは正式な国交がない。インドネシアのメディアは実際、パレスチナ政策を理由にイスラエルを否定的に描写することが多い。2017年、イスラエルのベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ首相が歴史的なオーストラリア公式訪問を執り行った際にも、インドネシア領空を 避けるよう [1]イスラエルに強く求めている。こんな両国の共通点を発見するカギに言語よりも単純なものはないだろう。


ジャカルタで学生に囲まれるサプリ・セール 写真:サプリ・セールの厚意による 使用許可済

グローバル・ボイス(以下GV): まず、ヘブライ語を学ぶに至った経緯や理由を教えてください。

Sapri Sale (SS):I want the world to know that not all Indonesians are (Muslim) militants. Our country is diverse. To me, Hebrew culture and language are no different to Arabic ones, and if Arabic can exist (in Indonesia) among Indonesian local languages and culture, then Hebrew has an equal right to exist in the country as well.

In 1989, I was an Arabic Literature student at Al Azhar University of Cairo. I was very much interested in Middle Eastern geopolitics; however, I became aware that in Egypt, Israel was portrayed negatively. At the time, the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt was already going on for about a decade. Yet, the media fuel anti-semitism sentiments among the general population. I refused to concur with hate and decided that to truly understand what was happening, I needed to learn Hebrew to know what Israel is all about without prejudice.

Ironically, despite the Egypt-Israel diplomatic relationship, trying to get my hands on Hebrew language books was not easy. Mind you, my sojourn took place during the pre-Internet era; I had no clue if there was an Israeli cultural center, and asking the Israeli Embassy was too daunting. With a bit of luck, I found some Hebrew books and started learning autodidactically.

After learning Hebrew for several years, I discovered an Israeli center in Cairo, and began to attend classes there in 1993. An Egyptian called Amer tutored me. Understandably, in the beginning, my presence was seen as odd, suspicious even, by the Israeli communities at the center: I look Asian and furthermore, I was a student at Al Azhar. There were 600 Indonesian students in Cairo, and I was the only one who developed an interest in Hebrew language and culture.

In 1996, I moved to Lebanon to pursue my career. Unfortunately, I had to stop learning Hebrew altogether, due to political reasons. In 1999, I found a new job with the Permanent Mission in New York. Over there, I'm free to rekindle my passion for learning Hebrew, and began to draft the Indonesian-Hebrew bilingual dictionary in 2006, after two decades of learning Hebrew.







SS: It's a 450-page bilingual dictionary of modern Hebrew and Indonesian. It's a reference for Indonesians who want to learn Hebrew and for Hebrew speakers who want to learn Indonesian.?This is the answer to my calling to bridge Indonesia and Israel, linguistically and culturally.

There were many challenges, as you can imagine. The Indonesian and Hebrew languages are worlds apart. I often stumbled in finding word pairings. This is where my Arabic knowledge came in handy, as Arabic and Hebrew are similar. Arabic became my reference in translating Hebrew words into Indonesian.

In 2016, once I finished writing, I had to deal with rejections. Popular publishers aren't so keen on anything Israeli, so naturally, my dictionary was dismissed as irrelevant, unmarketable, and politically incorrect. One day, I discovered an indie publisher in Yogyakarta, who was willing to do the job, once I personally funded the print run. But I encountered another roadblock while registering the ISBN [2]. Normally, ISBNs are assigned in less than a month; I had to wait three months to obtain the ISBN for my dictionary.



2016年、執筆が完了すると今度は出版拒否と戦う必要がありました。大手出版社はイスラエルに関係するものにはまるで興味を示しません。そのため当然のごとく、私の辞典は無意味で商品価値がなく、政治的に不適切だとして、はねつけられました。ある日、この仕事を前向きに引き受けてくれるジョグジャカルタの小さな出版社を見つけ、印刷料をいったん個人的に支払いました。しかし 国際標準図書番号(ISBN) [3]の登録がさらなる障壁となって立ちはだかりました。通常ISBNは1ヶ月以内に割り当てられますが、私の辞典の際には3ヶ月も待つはめになったのです。


SS:I don't care about being mocked or bullied.?Due to my choices and my work, cynics have nicknamed me ‘Sapri the Jew’. My extended family has shunned me, my former Al Azhar classmates have shunned me. My wife, who has followed every dictionary draft since day one, kindly reminded me that it's a waste of time. But I'm in top deep: 25 years of learning and practicing — it's too late to stop now.

I'm also being called a fraud; that my works are phony. To the naysayers, I'll just speak matter-of-factly — that my work is, as a Hebrew saying goes, ‘Not by might and not by power, but by spirit.’

I told my family that what I'm doing might have uncertain consequences, but it's something that needs to be done.


私はペテン師とも呼ばれています。私の仕事はでっち上げだというのです。批判する人たちに向けて、冷静にこう伝えたい。私の仕事はヘブライ語の古い言葉にあるように「権力によらず、能力によらず、私の霊によって」(訳注: 旧約聖書文書 [4]一節 [5])なされたのだと。



SS: About 70% of my students are Christians and 30% are Muslims. Many of my Christian students — academics mostly — wish to understand the Bible better. I expect that in the future, there will be more students from Pesantren (Koranic schools). Those from Pesantrens have an upper hand because they already know how to read Arabic texts, so learning Hebrew will be easier for them. My classes are held at the Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP) [6], the only organization that's willing to take me in. Each class is one and a half hours long. I developed a learning method for my fellow Indonesians, so that after eight meetings they can read modern Hebrew, and after that they can learn autodidactically.

SS:学生の約70%がキリスト教徒で約30%がイスラム教徒です。キリスト教徒の学生は主に研究者で、聖書をより良く理解することを望んでいます。将来的には、プサントレン(イスラム学校)出身の学生がもっと来ることを期待しています。プサントレン出身の学生は既にアラビア語の文章の読み方を知っており、ヘブライ語の学習が比較的容易になるので有利です。私の授業は 宗教と平和に関するインドネシア会議(ICRP) [6]で開講しています。ICRPは私を前向きに迎え入れてくれた唯一の組織です。授業はいずれも1時間30分。私と志を同じくするインドネシア人が8回の受講後に現代ヘブライ語を読めるようになり、その後は独学できるよう、学習方法を開発しました。


SS: Well, book writing mostly. My modern Hebrew grammar book is on the way and will be ready for printing soon. I also plan to publish another book: conversational Hebrew for Indonesian speakers.


現代ヘブライ語-インドネシア語辞典は 著者 [7]に直接注文することで入手可能だ。

校正:Masato Kaneko [8]