




With respect to the new directive from the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB), only Takeaway, Delivery and Drive Thru services will be available during the fasting period of the Ramadhan month. Our operating hours remain the same




This is the silliest directive ever! Somehow I don't think the world have to stop just because we're fasting. Fasting in Ramadhan is an awesome time between me and my beautiful God. It has nothing to do with non-Muslims eating in restaurants? Sorry MUIB! This is a #fail. Lets stay positive and be a more tolerant society!

今までで最もばかげた法令だわ! 何にせよ、私たちが断食しているからといって世界が止まる必要はないと思う。ラマダン月に断食することは、私と私の麗しき神様との間の厳かな一時。非ムスリムがレストランで食事することと関係ないでしょう? MUIBには申し訳ないけど、これは失敗だわ(#fail)! 前向きに、もっと寛容な社会になりましょうよ!


@maurina omg! Too much eh! Even non muslims cant eat? They might as well force each and every non muslim to convert! Why cant they respect other religion as well kan?!!

@maurina ええ!やりすぎよ!非ムスリムも食事してはいけないというの? 非ムスリムの人たち全員を改宗させようとしているのと同じよ! なぜMUIBは他の宗教も同じように尊重できないの?!!


This is so stupid! Did they even think thoroughly of the implications before implementing this rule?? Brunei…Abode of peace. Yeah right. More like, Land of Endless Restrictions!

本当にばかげている! MUIBはこの法令を実施する前に、その意味をよく考えたの? 「平和の地」ブルネイ… ええ、そうでしょうとも。でもそれよりむしろ、「無限の制約の地」だわ!


Agreed, #epicfail @maurina.. If I may be so bold to say that this directive has just ‘weakened a nation’. #tsk

同感よ。大失敗(#epicfail)@maurina… あえて言わせてもらうなら、この命令は「国を弱体化させた」だけ。#tsk


Inconsiderate towards minorities & it also makes us look like a less tolerant community. Such an unprecedented and absurd move!



It's only for Ramadhan NOT the whole year round and it only affected muslim food operators. Yeah, keep calm. We are still blessed to live in a ‘free’ country, no income tax, free education, free medical and expensive treatments abroad. Why need to jump when the Government do this ‘small’ thing compared to the ‘big’ thing given to us. Take it or leave it



People, there are loopholes here. In light of what has happened, at least you save a lot of money. Although, the new implemented rule is ridiculous. It could have been done eons ago, we were better off it anyway.



Its the fact that this was even thought of in the beginning that is kinda insulting to non muslims, loophole or not.. Where does it end? Closin down of all businesses during prayer times everyday? seems like we're headed that way

この法令が最初に発案されたこと自体が、非ムスリムへの侮辱だわ。抜け道があってもなくても。どこで終わるの? 毎日お祈りの時間には全ての営業を停止するようになるの? なんだかその道を辿っているみたいだけど。


Personally, I think it's one of the “unnecessary” rule implemented. Fasting is about an individual commitment to resist temptation. To implement such rule that affects businesses is illogical. I personally hate the fact that it segregates “non Muslims” and “Muslims” because it encourages religionism. I do have Muslims friends and I respect the fact that they're fasting so realistically, I won't eat in front of them. But to make it a mandatory rule is pretty much ridiculous.



Isnt it about resisting temptation? So if the temptations removed. .no resistance required! Seemd over zealous..what next..cut off all water supplies?? What about tourists..expats..non muslims?

断食は誘惑に耐えることじゃなかったのか? もし誘惑が何もなくなったら、耐える必要もない! 熱心すぎるようだ… 次は何か… 水道の水を全部止めるのか?? 観光客は…外国人居住者は…非ムスリムはどうなるんだ?

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