


PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited would like to express its sincerest apologies for the oil spill situation and would like to express its gratitude to all parties who have provided help to resolve the current situation. As of today, the oil leaks impact at Prao Bay has been solved and the emergency situation there has now been terminated. The next phase is the recovery of the environment of which a plan is being prepared. This includes a plan for helping the affected victims of the situation.

PTTグローバルケミカル社は今回の原油流出の事態につき深くお詫びを申し上げると共に、現在の状況の解決にあたって尽力した全ての当事者の方々に御礼申し上げます。 今日において、プラオ湾付近の石油流出は解決されており、非常事態は現在既に終決致しております。次の段階としては、事故の被害者への救済[en]を含む環境の回復に向けた計画を準備しております。


The oil slick removal operation today removed 99% of the oil slick. The transferring and transporting of oil stained debris off Prao bay to Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate Port was supported by the Royal Thai Navy for further examination, categorization, and elimination with the standards fully approved by the Department of Industrial Works.


グリーンピースが除去作業 、及び被害状況 を表す写真を公開した。



原油除去作業の様子 写真:グリーンピース・タイのフェイスブックより

原油除去作業の様子 写真:グリーンピース・タイのフェイスブックより

原油除去作業の様子 写真:グリーンピース・タイのフェイスブックより

流出原油の清掃作業 写真:リチャード・バロウのフェイスブックより


Zanyasan Tanatpapatは、原油流出がどれほど周辺住民[en]の生活を脅かしているかCoconuts Bangkok上で次のように述べている。

Small fishing boat families have been hit the hardest by the spill, as selling seafood caught in the waters around Koh Samet to restaurants on the island is their main source of income… and local restaurants are refusing to buy for fear of contamination.

Motorbike and taxi rental businesses have also taken a hit as tourist numbers have reduced drastically.

小さな 漁業を営む家族達[en]が一番の打撃を被っている。彼らはサメット島付近で獲れた魚を島のレストランに売って生計を立てている…島でレストランを営む者たちは汚染が怖くて彼らの魚を買おうとしない。



Since the incidence has occurred, PTT GC has insisted that the situation is not worrying and is containable. Little information has been disclosed as to impacts of the oil spill on the environment, natural resources, the ecology and people’s and the chemicals used to dissolve it.

The lack of disclosure as to potential impacts on the environment and people has left public in the dark as far as the harmful situation is concerned.




The corporation is obliged to explain the real reasons of the pipeline leakage to public as well as detail of the impacts on the environment, natural resources, the ecology and people’s health as a result of the oil spill and the use of the chemical dispersants.

State agencies have to investigate to find out the reasons and the amount of the oil leakage and to enforce applicable criminal and civil provisions to bring the perpetrators to justice and to ensure that such incidence shall not happen again.



校正:Etsuko Oikawa
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