GV Face:「テロ」という言葉、あなたはどう思いますか?

どんな暴力行為を「テロ」と呼ぶべきなんでしょうか? そして、どんな過激派を「テロリスト」と呼ぶべきなんでしょう?









私(※)はジョーイに、どうして「テロ」という言葉を記事の中で使わなかったのか質問しました。以下は彼の答えです。(動画内 02:30~03:10)

I am very uncomfortable with the word terrorism. And it is not that I don’t believe that it exists. It obviously does and the definition of terrorism is more or less straightforward. But it is used so often in such obviously dishonest ways, that it has lost all meaning for me. And it is not that the Paris attacks were not terrorism, they obviously were, they meet every definition of it. There are so many acts that are terrorism, but they will never be called terrorism, because of the political implications of doing so. It is a word that has lost it meaning, if it ever had one specifically.


GVニュースエディター、ローレン・フィンチは、世界各地から届くニュースを編集する中で、「テロ」という言葉が持つ政治性について、自身はどう対応しているか説明しました。(動画内 03:45~05:20)

The cases where it is a no-brainer that we are going to use the word terrorism or terrorist or terror attack is when it is an official charge or if it is a quote. Someone has been brought up on terror charges or a government official said ‘this was a terror attack, what happened yesterday’. What doesn’t quite make sense, especially for the GV community or audience, because we are so diverse, we are from all around the world, and it is really hard to take for granted some sort of common background knowledge between all of us from many different backgrounds and experiences, is “what terrorism is?” It differs depending on history and country and context. So it is hard to use it, out of the blue to call something a terrorist act without attributing it to something else because we don’t know what definition the author is going on. Is it the definition in Ethiopia? The definition in Peru? The different definitions used by three different government departments in the US? It is really hard to assume that we are all working with the same definition of terrorism, and they differ across the world. Some have to do with a political goal in mind. Some have to do with violation of human rights. Some have to do with threat of violence, not actual violence. Attribution is the key, at least when we are working with Global Voices authors.

何も考えないで「テロ」や「テロリスト」「テロ攻撃」という言葉を使えるのは、正式な起訴があった場合か、引用の場合ですね。つまり、誰かがテロの容疑で起訴された場合か、「昨日の出来事はテロ攻撃だった」という政府からの公式発表があった場合です。逆に、特にGVのコミュニティや読者にとって、今ひとつ意味をなさないのは、「『テロ』とは何か?」という問いかけです。私たちのコミュニティや読者は、世界各地から参加していて非常に多様性に富んでいます。そんなさまざまに異なる背景と経験を持った私たち全員の間に、なんらかの共通の背景知識を見いだすのは非常に難しいことです。この問いかけへの答えは、歴史と国と文脈次第で異なってきます。だから、この言葉を使うのは難しいのです。出典を明らかにすることなしに、何かを突然「テロリストによる攻撃」だと呼んでしまうと、どの定義の意味で「テロリスト」という言葉が使われたのか、読者にはわからないのですから。エチオピアの定義でしょうか? それともペルーの? あるいは、米国政府の3省庁でそれぞれで異なっていた3つの定義でしょうか? 私たちみんなが、「テロ」について同じ定義の下で動いているとは、まず想定し難いです。世界各地で違う定義が使われています。「テロ」には政治的目的がなくてはならないとする定義もあれば、人権侵害が関係するんだという定義もあります。実際の暴力ではなく、暴力をふるうぞと脅すことがテロだという定義もあります。少なくとも、GVのライターたちといっしょに働く場においては、鍵は、その言葉がどこから来たのかを明記しておくことです。

フアン・アレジャノは、テロリストの例にセンデロ・ルミノソを挙げながら、出典明記は不要だとする自身の考えについて説明しました。(動画内 13:48~14:30)

I lived through years of terrorism in Peru. I was never directly affected. But I read and watched the news as it was happening. So it was a close experience. I understand that there is an abuse of the term of the word. Environmental activists are mislabeled here as well. We are not strangers to the global conversation about terrorism. I want to talk about the Shining Path in Peru. There is no debate about why we call them terrorists.


フアンはさらにこう続けました。(動画内 42:50~43:30)

Just yesterday this happened. There is a website in Peru run by expats, they published an article about the expulsion of a former terrorist Lori Berenson, a US citizen after serving her [terrorism] sentence. She was called an activist [in the headline] and this caused a lot of indignation amongst its readers. After that the website corrected the language and issued an apology.


私はエリザベスに、「テロ」という言葉の使用は物議を醸すことだと思うかどうか聞いてみました。(動画内 17:38~18:30)

I think the term is controversial for sure. Controversial in the present. And controversial to describe things what happened in the past. Again, it is all about politics, right? For example, in Chile, right now there is a controversy to use that term for the Mapuches, an indigenous community in the south of Chile, who are claiming rights of their land and autonomy. Sometimes the more extreme of the Mapuche go into the landowner houses and burn them. And many people call them terrorists. But there is a huge controversy about that. Are they defending their right? Or are they being terrorists? It depends on who you talk too.

この言葉が論争を呼ぶものであることは、間違いないですね。今現在、論争の的ですし、また過去の出来事を表す場合でも、意見が分かれます。つまるところ、結局すべて政治なんですよ。そうでしょう。例えばチリでは、同国南部に住む先住民族のマプチェ族にこの言葉を使うことをめぐって、今現在論争が起こっています。マプチェ族は、自分たちの土地の所有権と自治権とを主張しています。そのマプチェ族の中でより過激な一派は、地主の家に行き放火するという行為を何度か繰り返しました。多くの人々が、彼らをテロリストと呼びます。でも、これには大きな議論の余地があります。マプチュ族は、彼らの権利を擁護しているだけなんでしょうか? それとも、テロリストになってしまっているのでしょうか? その答えは、聞く相手次第で変わります。

タイサからは、次のような意見がありました。(動画内 37:40~38:40)

We should definitely be very careful using the word. Kevin raised an interesting point about how the word is emotionally-satisfying. It is politically charged, but it became a thing itself. People use it to express their rage. And we have to be careful, even as journalists, even as Global Voices, not to sound too detached, not to sound too hygienic, too careful. At the same time, we have to take into consideration the context, attribution I think is a good way.


ローレンからは、「国家反逆罪」という用語を使う時と同じくらい細心の注意を払って、「テロ」という言葉を使うべきだ、との意見が出ました。ケヴィンはそれに賛成して、次のように語りました。(動画内 39:50〜42:00)

It would weird to use a modifier on an individual or even organization to call them a “thief.” It would just be odd. You wouldn’t introduce a character like that in a story. It’s a strange pronoun or adjective. It’s probably best to stick with attribution, whatever some sort of formal body has identified them as, or if you are quoting people, they are going to be using terrorism left and right. Use some sort of qualifier. There is a trade-off there and the language could become sterilized and authors need to be mindful. They need to look at a text and when it is done, if it looks like a white paper or like a memo on an event and you are trying to connect with people. I am not saying, ‘throw in terrorist everywhere’. But that it might mean that you have distanced yourself too much from the piece. You are informing people but that it isn’t prohibition on being emotionally engaging.

Or using descriptions of violence? (I interrupted)

Sure. We are breaking it out to be that it is bold to use the term terrorism, but in reality it would be a lot more work to spell it out.




校正:Rie Tamaki
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