科学界の女性に焦点を当てる一環として、 グローバル・ボイスはウイーン大学神学部実践神学科長で、人種主義、排外主義、および差別に立ち向かう OSCE議長国議長の個人代表 である准教授レジーナ・ポラック博士に話を聴いた。
1365年にルドルフ4世が創立した ドイツ語圏で最も古い大学であるウイーン大学は、哲学部に限定して 1897/1898学年度女性の入学に門戸を開いた。わずか3人であった女性入学者は、今や学科にはよるものの入学については平等といえよう。ここ数十年の博士課程を修了した女性の減少といった問題に特定して、公開の場で討論することによって、大学はジェンダーの平等を進める動きを続けている。その分析が浮かび上がらせているのは、女性が学術的なキャリア昇進の階段を昇りつめる時に対処を余儀なくされる、保守的なピラミッド型組織や賃金の不平等などの構造的な問題である。
グローバル・ボイス(以下GV):宗教間の問題に取り組む場合、 何が最も大きな課題で、その解決法は何だと思われますか?
RP (Regina Polak): I think dealing with the question of truth is the biggest challenge – the conviction that what he or she believes in and what he or she bases his whole life on, is true. This is a great intellectual, psychological, and above all spiritual challenge, which can be quite painful and irritating. Respect and real friendship forms a long-lasting solution.
RP: Structured encounters, authentic dialogue following rules, and education are all important ways to overcome animosities. presupposing that I am willing to understand the other person better. Be critical: Where and from whom did I learn prejudices?
RP: Dialogue in a plural society with these groups encourages to better justify one's own belief. Exhausting, but enriching. However, fundamentalist atheism, – like religious or political fundamentalism – is incapable of dialogue and wants to enforce its own worldview by all means. But, there is no alternative to dialogue!
RP:このような集団を含む複合社会では、対話をすることで自分の信念の根拠をより良く説明しようする姿勢が強まります。対話は、疲労困憊しますが実りあるものです。とはいえ、 宗教的あるいは政治的原理主義に似た特質のある新無神論は対話を受け付けませんし、何としても自身の世界観を押し付けたがります。それでも、対話にとって代わるものはあり得ません!
RP: Yes and no. Yes, because in all religious traditions, there are interpretations of the sacred texts that are associated with a fundamentalist understanding of truth, and a derogatory attitude towards people of other faiths. No, because such interpretations often have historical and cultural causes as well as political interests, or are favored by authoritarian personality structures.
RP: Over the years, my theological research has become significantly more political and part of public debate. In German-speaking countries, I am currently observing a reception of postcolonial theologies among young scholars, but also socio-ethical issues such as bioethics, digitization, and gender issues. The theological reflection of the climate crisis is, for example, a core theme of theology, since it is about the question of our continuing existence.
RP: With regard to Christian Orthodoxy, there is a long and proven ecumenical movement in Austria. Interestingly, politics in the Balkans region plays little role in the dialogue with Muslims. At the same time, the dialogue with Muslims in Austria has become much more difficult because it takes place in the context of political and public discourses that show massive anti-Islamic traits.
RP: The Catholic Church in particular has made a great conversion since the Second Vatican Council and recognized Judaism as a sister religion. Many faithful unfortunately do not know this history, yet. Unfortunately, it is different in the dialogue with Muslims. As for migration, it is regrettably clear that the historical inheritance of racism and xenophobia is still very much present.
RP: Yes, the OSCE takes the topic of religion very seriously, but as part of its comprehensive approach to protect and promote security and peace. This means that the OSCE has a human rights approach to religion – protecting and promoting respect for the freedom of religious or belief.
RP: Interreligious dialogue cannot solve the social, political and economic causes that underlie the hostility towards Muslims. But it can, most importantly, contribute religious ideas to a more peaceful and just coexistence.
RP: I have always been a curious child with a strong interest in questions concerning the meaning of life and the role of God in the entire whole. I had a great teacher who inspired me to keep exploring my curiosity for everything around us and later on to pursue religious studies. Of course, from that starting point to today, it was a long road with unexpected turns.
RP: Theology is the most fascinating discipline I can think of encompassing spiritual wisdom, ethics, literature, philosophy, history, social science, and many other disciplines. However, I took a detour into philosophy and journalismbefore working as an assistant at the department for Practical Theology and studying theology in 2000.
RP: Two years later, at the beginning of my 30s, I became head of the department. It was a tough time as I had to do research for my Ph.D., my exams, teach, and take care of my son. My incredible colleagues and family supported me so much – I would not be in my current position, and without regret, if it had not been for them. Maternity leave would definitely have ended my career.
RP: 2年後、30代の初めに私は学部長になりました。そのころは博士号のための研究と私自身の試験と指導、加えて息子の育児をしなければならなかったので大変な時期でした。私の素晴らしい同僚たちと家族は大いに私を支えてくれました。彼らの支えがなければ、私の現在の立場はありませんでした。しかも後悔もしませんでした。支えがなければ産休で間違いなく私のキャリアは終わっていたでしょうね。
RP: My Catholic identity results in a duty to explore interfaith dialogue. I do not see a conflict to be devoted to the church, my work, and being a woman. I am true to my church as I believe they people from the church bring valuable pearls of wisdom to humanity. And if one wants to change a faulty system, what better way to do so than from within? History proved, minorities are the ones who bring in innovation and possibilities.
RP: I sharpen my rhetoric against it. As a woman, you need to take responsibility for yourself as my mother and sister taught me from a young age onwards. The world is not a utopia, and when you do feel fear, you need to act accordingly.
RP: When situations occur, I speak up about it. My age does keep me safer in this environment. However, I am extremely lucky violence never happened to me, but if it had happened, I think I would have continued my work as this is my vocation. At least, I hope I would make that choice.
RP: An academic career is like climbing a mountain. Never do it alone and have a safety net if you do fall. Especially as a woman. In Austria, it is still hard for a woman to enter the field of academic research.
RP: There is much denial in society when it comes to racism, and dialogue about it includes layers of talking around it till the point is softly conveyed. After the defeat of the Nazis, the German word for race, ‘Rasse’, was abolished from the language. With that, it seemed even the phenomena of racism as being an actual thing disappeared, including addressing the harsh reality we still live in today.