記事 歴史 from 2月, 2008
Four days after Fidel Castro announced that he would not accept another term as a president after almost half a century in power, the Cuban blogosphere continues to be abuzz with the news. Adding to Janine Mendes-Franco's roundup collecting the first reactions after the announcement, here are more reactions from Cuba and abroad. Four days after Fidel Castro announced that he would not accept another term as a president after almost half a century in power, the Cuban blogosphere continues to be abuzz with the news. Adding to Janine Mendes-Franco's roundup collecting the first reactions after the announcement, here are more reactions from Cuba and abroad.
「あまりにも多くの人びとが農業を教養がある人は避けるべきものと考えているが、私たちは自分が食べる物をもっと栽培することに専念する時がきた。」– セントビンセントのブロガーAbeniは、大地への回帰を訴えている。(英語)
JapunditのPeter Payneが、日本で初めての英語教師の経歴をたどる。(英語)