
講師を務めるウダイ・ラージ・アーリー(右端)とクスンダ語の生徒たち 写真提供:ウダイ・ラージ・アーリー 許可を得て掲載


mjehaq あるいは gemjehaq (森の王)としても知られるクスンダ族の人口は200人にも満たない。彼らはダーン・デウリク、ピュータン、スルケート、カピラバストゥ、ゴルカ、タナフンの各郡に居住し、全員がネパール語を話す。






Uday Raj Aaley (URA): Revitalization of a vanishing language is a difficult job. I want to multiply the number of speakers by teaching Kusunda people to speak and write their mother tongue. But the limited duration of the Kusunda class is not sufficient to transfer the language.

The situation has improved and the learners are taking much more interest in the language classes. I started the first session in 2019. There were 20 participants of different ages studying in grades four to twelve, including three non-Kusundas in the class. Now, they have basic knowledge of the language and can speak the language.



Students learning Kusunda language at a hostel in Mid-Western Nepal. Photo by Uday Raj Aaley. Used with permission.

ネパール中西部の宿泊施設でクスンダ語を学ぶ生徒たち 写真提供:ウダイ・ラージ・アーリー 許可を得て掲載


URA: Among the Kusunda families, I want to acknowledge the late Gyani Maiya Sen Kusunda who generously taught me her language. In return, I taught the language to Kusunda children. Though they belong to the Kusunda tribe, they never learnt to speak their language. The participants cheerfully joined the four sessions.

Language revitalization is a life-long process. If Kusunda is to remain a living language, it needs to be spoken daily. The participants should be encouraged to speak their mother tongue with the family members.

To revitalize the language, it is essential to provide training to the participants along with teaching materials introducing them to the Kusunda orthography to read, familiarize with Kusunda words, phrases, and sentences, and practise the language. At the same time, I am trying to create an environment to speak the mother tongue among the family members.

It is necessary to develop the Kusunda orthography. So, I am attempting to write a book containing Kusunda words that are spoken in daily life, including numbers, colours, animals, trees, crops, body parts, kinship terms, greetings, Kusunda phrases, and sentences. Much is yet to be done to produce grammatical descriptions, a dictionary, and a collection of folk tales and rituals, etc.






URA: Although Kusunda is a language isolate, I don’t think it’s too difficult to learn. There is hope because the Kusunda people are excited to learn their mother tongue. If the classes continue, the participants will become more familiar with the language and speak it fluently. Once they know the language, they will communicate in their mother tongue and transfer among the community members.

The problems that I faced were the lack of the Kusunda language’s grammar and the absence of teaching materials such as textbooks, audio, and videos. Despite the challenges, the Kusunda people hope that, with help from the government, their language can be revived.



(関連記事)ネパール固有言語 自由に話せるのはわずか2人 新たに辞書が編纂される 消滅の危機回避の可能性



A book on Kusunda language authored by Uday Raj Aaley

ウダイ・ラージ・アーリー著 クスンダ語についての本 写真:サンジブ・チャウダリー

URA: Kusunda is on the verge of extinction or may die out with the death of its remaining single fluent speaker. However, the situation of language transmission has reversed now. Instead of parents teaching the mother tongue to their children, the children are now teaching the language to their parents. It is high time to standardize the language to cope with the demand of its speech community.

Kusunda community members were surprised when they heard a Kusunda song sung by Hima Kusunda at a programme. She is one of the participants who completed four sessions of the language revitalization classes.



GV:なぜクスンダ語を再生する必要があるとお考えですか? この言語の何が特別なのでしょうか?

URA: Kusunda (ISO 693-3 kg, glottal code kusu 1250) is a critically endangered language isolate previously spoken by the nomadic forest-dwelling tribe in mid-western Nepal that has no known relation to any other language or language family of the region. It is characterized by sounds that are hardly found in the area, such as uvular. It is difficult to represent some of the phonemes of Kusunda using the Devanagari script. Each language has a unique expression of experience of the world and Kusunda can’t be left behind.

URA:クスンダ語( ISO 693-3 kg、グロットログ kusu 1250)はネパール中西部の元々森に住む遊牧民族のみが話していました。今は消滅寸前の危機にあり、他の言語や同地区の言語のルーツにも関係をもたない孤立した言語といえます。クスンダ語には口蓋垂音のように、この地域の他の言語では使われていない発声があります。デーヴァナーガリー文字を使って表現できない音素がクスンダ語にはあるのです。それぞれの言語は、実社会の経験を表す独特の表現をもっているので、クスンダ語を失くすわけにはいかないのです。

(関連記事)ネパール:消滅危機にあるクスンダ語最後の話者 ギアニ・マイヤ・センを訪ねて

GV:言語再生のために関係機関とはどう協調していこうとしていますか? 政府やクスンダの人々はクスンダ語を保護する活動を維持してゆくために何をすべきでしょうか?

URA: The Language Commission supported conducting the four sessions of Kusunda language classes that started in 2019 (90 hours), 2021 (60 hours), and 2022 (60 hours) and were completed in March 2023 (60 hours). The Kusundas are also expressing great interest in learning and documenting the language and associated culture with the hope of revitalizing them.

Kusunda is still an incompletely described language. This calls for the attention of concerned authorities, linguists, and institutions who care for endangered languages.

Although the initial classes raised awareness among the community, this may not be sufficient to revitalize the language. It will take considerable time and effort to elevate the learners’ proficiency to a level where they can use their mother tongue in their daily life.

From the endangerment perspective, it is urgent to document, preserve, and revitalize the Kusunda language. So that the Kusundas are not deprived of their linguistic rights.





クスンダ語の音声を聞くためには、こちらの デジタルアーカイブを視聴ください。


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