記事 西ヨーロッパ from 12月, 2011
Julie Kerteszは70歳でブログと写真を始めた。現在77歳の彼女は、世代に関係なく、活動的で充実した学びと実践の人生を送りたいと思う人にとっての手本である。Paula Góesがレポートする。
Amidst scandals and controversies, the Italian Prime Minister resigned on Saturday, after losing his parliamentary majority during a crucial budget vote. As the technocrat Mario Monti is appointed as head of the new government, many Italians celebrate (on the streets and online) this historic event. Amidst scandals and controversies, the Italian Prime Minister resigned on Saturday, after losing his parliamentary majority during a crucial budget vote. As the technocrat Mario Monti is appointed as head of the new government, many Italians celebrate (on the streets and online) this historic event.